Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd.

Structuring and Estate Planning Solicitors

Specialising in loans, estate planning and taxation for property and share investors.

Loan Structuring Pty Ltd.

Loan Structuring

Mortgage Brokers

Tax Tips

Terryw’s Tax Tips

A large number of legal and tax and Loan tips
– written by Terry


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Testamentary Discretionary Trust

Sign up to learn the Ultimate way to pass Your Assets on to Your Children when you die.

About Us

How we can help you:

We can provide you with legal and tax advice through our incorporated legal practice Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd.

We can also provide you with loan structuring advice through our mortgage broking company Loan Structuring Pty Ltd.

The founder of both companies is Terry Waugh, aka Terryw.
You can learn more about Terryw here.

Terry has written a large number of legal and tax and Loan tips – almost 1000 tips and these can be viewed here.


Our Services

We can provide the following advice.

We can help you structure you loans to save interest, gain extra tax deductions and improve serviceability

We can help with converting non-deductible debt into tax deductible debt.

Capital Gains Tax

Planning ahead can help you save CGT which can help you reach retirement much quicker. We can help with this

We can assist with the drafting of complex wills incorporating multiple testamentary discretionary trusts and superannuation proceeds trusts.

Ownership Structuring

Structuring the ownership of properties are shares can be done in ways to save you both tax and improve asset protection and also improve serviceability. We can advise on this as well.

Reducing the likelihood of assets falling into the wrong hands also needs to be considered and our lawyers specialise in this advice.

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Do Contact Us for further Inquiries!

NOTE: Due to High Demand Terryw is only giving advice to clients of Loan Structuring Pty Ltd at the moment